Saturday, March 27, 2010


Words....they come abruptly....and escape into silence....evade you from reality and push you into the dark alleys of truth and wisdom. wisdom unlike common beliefs is not always seeked or awaited, sometimes its forced on you. the thrash so hard and intense that it pulls you back from the sweet tangled golden hair of dreams and lands your brains on the hard soil. bones again concrete, practical brutality where blood does not clot with just a blow of breath from someone special. bones crack and so do you.

and then its blank again, with no plan of actions, its just a migration from one state to another not a story to have an ending, but we expect it to lead us to somewhere like a story.

and there we start dreaming again.....the soft strands start engulfing us slowly. the bubbles of clouds and shadows of heavenly figures, the figment of fraction painted in only one colour.....colour of love and caring and belief and trust and the brush of all such parallel words.

between these you never know when you reach the brim to change your existence from present to past, and then you look look back and realize....and laugh or cry sometimes...but the tears don't always roll down...they are too tired or overly used that wared beyond a point of repair...

and then they say "one more fruit has riped to be reaped !"


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